Are you looking for new software to support your business?
With so many different SaaS products available on the market, knowing where to start can often be overwhelming. But, time and again I see businesses end up using software that just isn't a good fit for them.

You might start by asking around your business contacts and go on a recommendation. But this only works if they're in the same industry, have the same type of business and are looking to solve the same problems as you. Let's face it, all businesses are unique.
It's also not uncommon for businesses to simply pick the first thing they find on Google. Beware. This means you've chosen a software company that has thrown the most money at ads, not necessarily the best in terms of price or quality.
Not all software is created equal.
Choosing the wrong software can be a costly mistake. Not only will you have invested time and money in the original tool, but unravelling it when you realise it isn't working can cause some major tech headaches. Then of course you have to start over.
Here are my recommendations for how to make sure you find the right software for your business, right out of the gate.
Understand your needs
Before you even start looking, it is so important to think about what your business actually needs this new tool to do. Write down what you're looking to improve on or automate so that you don't get carried away by all of the fun or fluffy features often used by software companies to hook us in.
Do your research
Don't underestimate the amount of time you need to research all of your available options and understand what really sets each software apart.
It's unlikely you'll be able to fully understand the capabilities of any given software just by glancing at the homepage of their website. Remember this is crafted by marketers who are telling you what you want to hear, in order to get you to purchase.
Read the reviews
As you start to narrow down your search, a few minutes spent looking at the reviews or customer case studies can prove invaluable. I always check for what customers say about the support they have received from SaaS companies. Because at some point, you are going to need help.
Take a free trial
This should be one of the last things you do when you have a pretty clear contender (not the first!). Use this as an opportunity to take the software for a test drive and make sure it can do all of the things you identified in your original list.
Get everyone on board
Even when you've found a fantastic software, it may still fail to get off the ground if you don't have the right support internally. Lay the groundwork by involving other people in your selection process and asking for their feedback. Then make sure to give everyone the training needed for them to feel comfortable using your chosen solution. After all, even the most powerful technology has humans behind it.

Investing the time upfront to find the best possible software for your business can help to avoid those nasty tech headaches and save you money in the long run.
If you need support to get this done right, simply book a free Discovery Call to learn more about how Coellaborations can help.
Learn more about our Tech Solve package: we'll do the hard work to find you the right software, set everything up for you, and then train the team on how to use it!